Dear the people I care about, I'm sorry if I was unreasonable over the years. I want my future to be how I picture it, and if that means losing some people along the way to achieve my goal it's just something I will do. To protect myself, and sanity. You guys are the most craziest people I know, and although I accept you for what you are and what you do I can't take the stress. Im only one person, and I cover my feelings when I'm around you to spare you. so I apologize if this sounds selfish. But mother, siblings, family, and friends. I can't be everywhere at once. I'm sorry. I can't be there every time their's trouble anymore. I have a future now. God has blessed me with many oppurtuntities so I don't struggle like most. Im not going to let him down nor myself. If you love me you'll accept this and cheer for me. If you don't, don't ...