
Showing posts from May, 2023

21.write about something that doesnt get better

 i feel like my overthinking wont get better. I try alot of things truly i do, but something always makes me think negatively. I thin k its molded in my mind. my mother can be negative too at times and ometimes she says exactly what im thinking outloud about myself. i dont feel like thats ever going to change

20. write about something you plan to do

 I plan to have the life i want. Peace and away from everyone. My family, who doesnt have to worry about fiancial problems. A life i can be proud of and set something for generations after me.

19.write about something that was to small or two big

 i wanted new clothes so i went to rainbow. So i told my friend will the jumper look cute on me she said yes thinking it was going to stretch and i told her thi doesnt look like my size. Yet it was the only size they had. So when i got homE it was to small

18. write about something you wish for

 I wish to have the life i want. Peace and away from everyone. My family, who doesnt have to worry about fiancial problems. A life i can be proud of and set something for generations after me.

17. write about someone you forgot.

 i forgotten how good a friendship could be. i remember having somoene over constantly having fun making jokes. going to the pool now nd then, but now that friend i gone. She still here but its not what it use to be after her betrayal i forgave her but i just cant be the same around her.

16. write about when you knew something was over ( or had begun)

 I knew this last year semester was going to stress me out. my mother is always on my back ik its for the best but i do not enjoy the name calling and being labeled disrespectful. I am truly a good kid but once she see the color red its always something.

15. write about having no fun at all

Most times being with friends or family if they around too long i get irritated. Oncei get irritated i have no fun but in order for people to not ask me whats wrong i fake a giggle or two. dreadful to do those things but sometime i needs to be done.

14. write about something your certain of.

 im certain of being in my own success. I wont take no for an answer, ill dance around and tango with just about anything to get what i want. It hasnt failed me yet and i dont plan on it failing at all. 

13. write a long thank you letter

 thank you to those who held me near there hearts and prayed for me. You guys are one of the reasons i fight today for what i do and what im trying to do. Sure there are some hard times, and you guys are not the best people to cooperate with; but im glad i have you in my life.

12. write about a gift that was not well recieved.

On my first anniversary i was suppose to have together 3 items of what he likes. I only had one. i was so stocked about the anniversasry and busy that it slipped my mind of how many items i had. so what i did was i improvised.

11. write about all the secrets that have been kept from you

 I was dropped as a kid. My cousin wasnt paying attention to her sorroundings and what she was doing. she soon loosen her grip nd dropped me. I have a scar on my hip it's really small now but it was big. But every time I ask about it its always "I don't want to talk about it".

10. write about a secret being revealed

 I may or may not was the one who broke my mothers expensive perfume when I was younger. It was a literal glass bottle that had a funny looking shape to it. My mother is cheap but have very good taste in perfumes. I was playing in her clothes one day and came across it hidden under her blouse. I was dangling it around from the top then lost control after swinging it back and forth. Then, BLAM! it broke.

9. write a long apology

 Dear the people I care about,     I'm sorry if I was unreasonable over the years. I want my future to be how I picture it, and if that means losing some people along the way to achieve my goal it's just something I will do. To protect myself, and sanity. You guys are the most craziest people I know, and although I accept you for what you are and what you do I can't take the stress. Im only one person, and I cover my feelings when I'm around you to spare you. so I apologize if this sounds selfish. But mother, siblings, family, and friends. I can't be everywhere at once. I'm sorry. I can't be there every time their's trouble anymore. I have a future now. God has blessed me with many oppurtuntities  so I don't struggle like most. Im not going to let him down nor myself. If you love me you'll accept this and cheer for me. If you don't, don't get lost at the top where I'll soon be headed.

7. Write about something you don't exactly remember

The time I've been to Stone Mountain. I remember I've been there twice when I was much younger. One for my family reunion another is when it was near Christmas. I don't remember it well but I know I had lots of fun

6. Write about when you knew you were in trouble

 I snuck may mothers hot chips once. It was sitting in my face and I was hungry. Then a few hours later my mother found out her chips was missing. With me being a good liar (not a flex), my mother found the c hip bag in my room. Be mindful that I had my cousins and siblings over so it was a lot of people in my room during the day. As I saw my mom walk away with rage my heart dropped and I sighed with relief

5. write about what you have too much of

 I simply have to much personality. I believe I am a buy one get one free sale, there's nothing I can't do. Im really good at subjects I'm determined or have motivation on. A lot of people have told me over the years how good I actually am.

4. write about something you can't deny

 I have never been wrong, I always made sure my facts were exact. Then comes my younger sister. My younger sister gets a giggle about correcting my wrongs and I cant deny sometimes she really puts me in a corner of our conversations. She is the type of person who will catch you off guard but she's veery sweet and loving passed all her thorns. She's somewhat misunderstood but I wouldn't prefer her any other way.

3. Write about something/someone being born

 My daughter Nahla, she was born March 29th, 2022. She was very cute when I first saw her. I fell in love with her at first sight. I knew she was going to be my closet friend. I'm still learning to take really good care of her and her needs.

2. write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless

 I obsessed with my boyfriends hat for awhile. I took it everywhere I went, I even matched sorted clothes with it because I wanted to be the same. I liked the idea of having something of his in my possession. Just to find out he was going to throw out that same hat a few months later.

1.Write about a time when you dressed inapporiately for the occasion

 The time I was undressed had to be when I went to sea concert. Usually I often wear hoodies with cargos or tights with a hoodie as my everyday attire. I was planning on doing just that, and my mom stopped me. She gave me her flimsy top with her leather pants. The outfit was cute, but I highly doubt ill wear anything like that again.