
21.write about something that doesnt get better

 i feel like my overthinking wont get better. I try alot of things truly i do, but something always makes me think negatively. I thin k its molded in my mind. my mother can be negative too at times and ometimes she says exactly what im thinking outloud about myself. i dont feel like thats ever going to change

20. write about something you plan to do

 I plan to have the life i want. Peace and away from everyone. My family, who doesnt have to worry about fiancial problems. A life i can be proud of and set something for generations after me.

19.write about something that was to small or two big

 i wanted new clothes so i went to rainbow. So i told my friend will the jumper look cute on me she said yes thinking it was going to stretch and i told her thi doesnt look like my size. Yet it was the only size they had. So when i got homE it was to small

18. write about something you wish for

 I wish to have the life i want. Peace and away from everyone. My family, who doesnt have to worry about fiancial problems. A life i can be proud of and set something for generations after me.

17. write about someone you forgot.

 i forgotten how good a friendship could be. i remember having somoene over constantly having fun making jokes. going to the pool now nd then, but now that friend i gone. She still here but its not what it use to be after her betrayal i forgave her but i just cant be the same around her.

16. write about when you knew something was over ( or had begun)

 I knew this last year semester was going to stress me out. my mother is always on my back ik its for the best but i do not enjoy the name calling and being labeled disrespectful. I am truly a good kid but once she see the color red its always something.

15. write about having no fun at all

Most times being with friends or family if they around too long i get irritated. Oncei get irritated i have no fun but in order for people to not ask me whats wrong i fake a giggle or two. dreadful to do those things but sometime i needs to be done.